Captchas - The new one and the old one. Google introduces new captcha.

Here's some coffee for your Ubuntu. Install Caffeine and stop your Ubuntu from going to sleep or screensaver.

Speed up your Ubuntu System instantly. This little app will decreas app loading time by seconds.

Crash anybody's Whatsapp through a message remotely. A new vulnerability in Whatsapp.

BleachBit - Automatic GUI junk cleaner for Ubuntu. Free up your space and make Ubuntu Faster. The best CCleaner for Windows replacement in Ubuntu.

Privacy Indicator will help you keep your privacy in control instantly. Additionally, a new Ubuntu look.

Javapress - An API to connect wordpress through java. No need of XMLRPC or other libraries.

Add a drawer to Unity in Ubuntu. Ubuntu gets a drawer function like android, iOS, Mac and other OS.

Google launches a new dashboard to secure your devices and activities.

How to share files between Ubuntu and Windows Phone (and Windows Desktop, iOS Devices, iPhones/iPads, Androids, your spaceship, your fish and everything else) wirelessly.

Check if you're under government survillience. Journlists, NGOs, Human Rights activists, take a deep breath. Download free software Detekt.

Add a sexy weather widget to your Ubuntu desktop!

Mouse Automation in Java. Build your own GUI tool to record mouse actions and play them later.

Install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Ubuntu. The easiest way you'll find on the interent.

Insert a post in Wordpress through Java.

Using JSOUP to fetch data from a web page.

Make your Ubuntu look better than a Mac (Part 3 - Install Mac Icons in Ubuntu)

Run Ubuntu/Linux Commands on Windows - GOW (GNU On Windows)

How to create a post in Wordpress through PHP.

Make your Ubuntu Look better than a Mac. (Part 2 - Install Mac features on Ubuntu)

Make your Ubuntu look better than a Mac. (Part 1)