Run Ubuntu/Linux Commands on Windows - GOW (GNU On Windows)

If you have ever used a Linux System, you know what real power is. Linux systems, including Ubuntu, are far far ahead of Windows Systems. After using Ubuntu for some four years, I have literally forgotten how Windows CMD works. I cannot do without some basic Ubuntu commands on a System.

If you feel you're at same place, here's a relief pill for you. A very small and lightweight set of binaries known as GOW (GNU On Windows) is now available. GOW installs over 100 small commands on your Windows system and makes it a bit useful.

GOW is available on GitHub for free at

Here's a list of all the commands available: 
  • basename 5.3.0
  • bc 1.06
  • bison 2.4.1
  • bunzip2 1.0.5
  • bzip2 1.0.5
  • bzip2recover 1.0.5
  • cat 5.3.0
  • chgrp 5.3.0
  • chmod 5.3.0
  • chown 5.3.0
  • cksum 5.3.0
  • comm 5.3.0
  • cp 5.3.0
  • csplit 5.3.0
  • curl 7.27.0
  • cURL 7.35.0
  • cut 5.3.0
  • dc 1.06
  • dd 5.3.0
  • df 5.3.0
  • diff 2.8.7
  • diff3 2.8.7
  • dircolors 5.3.0
  • dirname 5.3.0
  • dos2unix
  • du 5.3.0
  • egrep 2.5.4
  • env 5.3.0
  • expand 5.3.0
  • expr 5.3.0
  • factor 5.3.0
  • fgrep 2.5.4
  • flex 2.5.4a
  • fmt 5.3.0
  • fold 5.3.0
  • gawk 3.1.6
  • gfind 4.2.20
  • gow
  • grep 2.5.4
  • gsar 1.21
  • gzip 1.3.12-1
  • head 5.3.0
  • id 5.3.0
  • indent 2.2.10
  • join 5.3.0
  • jwhois 3.2.4
  • less 394
  • lesskey 394
  • ln 5.3.0
  • logname 5.3.0
  • ls 5.3.0
  • m4 1.4
  • make 3.8.1
  • md5sum 5.3.0
  • mkdir 5.3.0
  • mkfifo 5.3.0
  • mknod 5.3.0
  • mv 5.3.0
  • Nano 2.3.1
  • nl 5.3.0
  • od 5.3.0
  • pageant 0.62
  • paste 5.3.0
  • patch 2.5.9-7
  • pathchk 5.3.0
  • pcre3 7.0
  • plink 0.63
  • pr 5.3.0
  • printenv 5.3.0
  • printf 5.3.0
  • pscp 0.63
  • psftp 0.63
  • putty 0.63
  • puttygen 0.63
  • pwd 5.3.0
  • recode 3.6
  • rm 5.3.0
  • rmdir 5.3.0
  • sed 4.2.1
  • seq 5.3.0
  • sftp
  • sh
  • sha1sum 5.3.0
  • shar 4.2.1
  • sleep 5.3.0
  • sort 5.3.0
  • split 5.3.0
  • su 5.3.0
  • sum 5.3.0
  • sync 5.3.0
  • tac 5.3.0
  • tail 5.3.0
  • tar 1.13
  • tee 5.3.0
  • test 5.3.0
  • touch 5.3.0
  • tr 5.3.0
  • uname 5.3.0
  • unexpand 5.3.0
  • uniq 5.3.0
  • unix2dos
  • unrar 3.4.3
  • unshar 4.2.1
  • unzip 2.3
  • uudecode 4.2.1
  • vim 7.3_46
  • wc 5.3.0
  • wget 1.11.4
  • whereis
  • which 2.20
  • whoami 5.3.0
  • xargs 4.2.20
  • yes 5.3.0
  • zip 3.0

These basic commands will give you a linux like experience on a Windows based System. 

We thank the author and contributors of GOW for releasing a much needed magic.
Lots of love! :)


Hi! I'm Siddhant Minocha, a Jaipur based hacker/developer. I spend most of my day coding things, trying to develop the next billion dollar idea. When I'm not over-analyzing random stuff and people, I hang out with friends (mostly entrepreneurs). I'm in my final year of graduation and till now I have started and exited 3 startups and developed a lot of websites and software for different companies. Follow me on twitter and other social networks to see what I keep doing. You can also hire me to design/develop your website, if you're worried about your website or app's security or any other tech related work. See ya! :D

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